What else do they have in mind when they hear the word India? A prestigious land with cultures ranging from mountains to barrens, a beautiful and colorful country. But since time immemorial, poverty and hardship have also tagged along. What if they tell you there is more to traveling than just discovering new places and striking dreams off your bucket list? There are many travelers who try to give it back in a whole way by reaching out to orphanages, rehabilitate the refugees and conserve the wildlife.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Hellen Keller.
There are organizations in India who enroll volunteers and who can work from office or can travel around to reach out to the interiors. In such organizations, you get the experience of work life, contribute towards building a better place and travel to fulfill your dreams.
The top 5 volunteer organizations in India are:
1.Khiddispore Red Light Area Community Programs in Kolkata:
This organization aims to give a better life to the sex workers of the area and takes care of their education and employment. The volunteers take English classes, teach communication and writing skills, enhance their crafts and create resource bank by selling the products.
2.Teach Tibetan refugees in Dharamshala:
This organization aims at giving the Tibetan refugees a safe and secure home, rehabilitation and transition into Indian Community. They provide them with social services, courses and vocational training.
Lakshyam has been battling since 2004. It expects to manufacture a safe and clean world for the underprivileged; giving them instruction, fundamental needs running from garments and nourishments to sheets and toys, human services programs and some more. It focuses on the ghetto territories of numerous states crosswise over India and furnish them with a steady, sound condition. It has three noteworthy projects among numerous others, to be specific, Lakshyam: Toy Library, Lakshyam's Butterfly Program and Lakshyam Rooh. Taking note of the smog filled air that we breathe in at the time of November-December in Delhi, or the gray air that we breathe in all the time, or the never ending fights for a timely supply of clean water; we should stop teaching the next generation tots that air and water are colorless. Funny, eh? Well it is not until you are in Delhi.
Lakshyam's Toy Library goes for circulating toys and books to the underprivileged kids gave by the ones who have it in wealth. Till now, Lakshyam has dispersed more than 2,00,000 toys and books the nation over. Putting up Facebook statuses, tweets and Instagram stories as a voice raised against the increasing unemployment; do you really expect Prakash Javadekar to take out time for you and read your stories? Or is life getting any easier as you continue to make fun of the unemployed B.tech graduates? Memes and stories won’t end anytime soon, but dreams and lives of thousands other unemployed youths get shattered while you scroll your feed.
Lakshyam's butterfly program gives healing training focuses to understudies, keeping in mind the end goal to fill the hole in the administration instruction framework.
Lakshyam's Rooh program enthusiastically endeavors to instruct the ladies of India and enable them to believe in themselves and venture up the stone of quality and achievement.
Can Volunteer as:
i. Media and interchanges
ii. Administrative work and business improvement
iii. Academics
iv. Indoor and open sports
v. Performing expressions
vi. Data administration and research
vii. Social business enterprise
viii. Building and development
ix. Co-curricular exercises
4.Ethical Volunteering:
There are currently heaps of approaches to get associated with global volunteering. You may take a hole year after school, or a profession brake from your activity, you may have been allowed to have a holiday or you may have resigned and be searching for new enterprises. Regardless of whether you have half a month or a couple of years there are currently heaps of associations that will enable you to locate a volunteer program.
5.Concern India Foundation:
Can organize arrangements in nearby NGOs for volunteers in fields, for example, instruction and network advancement; volunteers can likewise work with Concern India assisting with organization and raising money. Can organize arrangements in nearby NGOs for volunteers in fields, for example, instruction and network advancement; volunteers can likewise work with Concern India assisting with organization and raising money.
So however big your dreams are, however colorful your goals are and however places you want to visit, there is no bigger a happiness in lightening up a face and home with nothing more than your sheer lone work. Because as a volunteer, you can boast of yourself as the change that you want to bring.
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